So the other day a report was released that everybody’s favorite revenge seeking Grandpa, Liam Neeson had actually repeatedly visited a black neighbourhood for almost a week, carrying a weapon with the intent to hurt any black person who approached him. Bear in mind that this happened almost 40 years ago after he discovered that a close friend of his had been raped by a black person.
Mr. Neeson in the interview in which this revelation happened says he came to his senses after a week and found his actions regrettable and in a further interview claims he had sought out help.
Predictably this has created quite a debate, especially now that race is such a hot button topic in social circles, social media platforms and comment sections of blogs and news articles. I personally will admit to expressing a broad range of views on the matter as the story developed but after several days of tracking the way the story has been developing I think it is important I weigh in with a bit more opinion.
I had predicted that Mr. Neeson would undoubtedly face significant backlash but I didn’t think it would be serious enough to cause the cancellation of the Premier of his new movie. I was initially offended by the story he had narrated but when I stepped back a bit to look at the whole thing I came to realize a few things; Mr. Neeson definitely carried some racial prejudice at the time he said this incident occurred and I genuinely hope he has unlearned and relearned how he perceives race. Mr. Neeson, like all of us carry specific or broad prejudices around but IT IS NEVER RIGHT TO ACT ON SUCH INTENTS NOR NEVER SHOULD YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE ENTERTAINING SUCH THOUGHTS, especially when it seeks to harm or deprive another human being of their fundamental human rights.
We as the human society are still struggling with the race issue. Many people are still being raised thinking they are different or superior so I think we still have a long way to go when it comes to expecting everyone to see each other as the same, but my concern here is what the current backlash is doing to the present opportunity of creating dialogue along racial lines for those who don’t realize their inherent prejudices which they might not have exposed or are not aware of, can be brought up and discussed in a safe space.
I saw a contributor on CNN talk about white male privilege when offering her opinion. In as much as I wanted to agree with her I wished she took it a step further and offered her opinion on the proper way this situation can be remedied. John Barnes on Sky conversely actually commended Liam Neeson for his honesty emphatically. This, I found awkward but I think I agreed with him when he related Mr. Neeson’s revelation to acts that were witnessed in the Rwandan truth and reconciliation hearings; if a white man owns up to his racial prejudices and seeks correction and enlightenment then he shouldn’t be attacked and rebuked. I for one don’t agree with calls to boycott Liam Neeson’s movies or cancel him. It sets the example that people who own up to their mistakes can’t possibly be forgiven.