There is a story in almost everything we see and interact with in our daily lives, be it a person, thing, organization, or a concept. Stories emanate from the active or passive interaction partaken by a subject/object from time to time, and it is with this very understanding that things are built.
A case in point has been a little known grilling outfit that has become quite in demand over the past few months; Dare to Grill. In the early days, the desire was to enjoy a nice Saturday in the yard with the boys, with some grilled chicken and beef patties while the beer chilled in the cooler and we soaked it all up in choice spirits. This practice started about 5 years ago and has noticeably seen the offerings from the grill significantly improve.
It was most definitely the noticeable improvements that made our New Year’s Day yard grill a regular occurrence; a yard filled with dear family and friends and several plus ones. Grilling on the 1st of the year took on a new meaning as most people came to expect such a gathering at our home. Some saw it as traditional, which made them put off other engagements on that day. Then, on one of such days, we were asked if we would be interested in having a grilling event by the operators of a popular poolside bar.
As you can see, the rest is becoming history with the number of successful events Dare to Grill has put together and executed. It brings us so much joy watching the growing influence of our brand on the grill culture here in Abuja and as the New Year proceeds, we will be looking forward to introducing variant and attractive innovations alongside our regular events.
We can’t take our network and supporters for granted for sure and we definitely have every intention to make your support worth it, by consistently growing and making you all proud. From offerings such as Grill Pro Quo and Goals & Grills, as well as other concepts in the pipeline, we intend to become a staple that adheres to the highest standards and is passionate about offering lovers of grilled meats a truly wonderful and unforgettable experience.